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Luton Borough Council

Luton 2020 to 2040: a place to thrive


Luton Council, alongside local partners, has a truly ambitious vision for Luton that builds on our strengths and key assets as a town as well our shared values. Together, we will build on the success of recent years and overcome the challenges we face today to build a healthier, fairer and more sustainable town where everyone can thrive and no-one has to live in poverty.

Our approach is set out in the Luton 2020 to 2040 vision. Our strategy for housing helps to deliver this ambition because good quality, affordable and sustainable homes are essential to quality of life, health and wellbeing, social justice, community and the local economy. Housing outcomes underpin all five of our strategic priority areas.

We won’t achieve all these outcomes on our own. As well as collaborating across the council, we are actively working with other partners across community, voluntary, business and public sectors to influence and enable projects which improve lives.

Housing supports our wider ambitions on health, skills, employment and better places and we work with partners such as housing associations, clinical commissioners, education institutions, housing developers, builders and local businesses to make a difference on the ground.

Luton 2040 priorities

Luton 2040 priorities image

Our Shared Vision for Luton

Luton will be a healthy, fair and sustainable town, where everyone can thrive and no-one has to live in poverty.

Our Strategic Priorities 2020-2025

  • Securing a strong economic recovery from COVID-19, which protects jobs, incomes and businesses and enables us to build a more inclusive economy.
  • Protecting the most disadvantaged in our town by prioritising services and interventions that focus on prevention, alleviate the impact of poverty and reduce health inequalities.
  • Making Luton a child-friendly town, where our children and young people grow up feeling happy, healthy and secure, with a voice that matters and the opportunities they need to thrive.
  • Becoming a greener and more sustainable town, to meet our long-term ambition to be carbon neutral and climate resilient by 2040.
  • A strong and empowered community supporting fairness, equality and local pride and speaking with a powerful voice.
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© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ